The book "Journey
of the Human Sculptor: What Your Thoughts Cannot Tell You" (available in our online shop) is the manual used
in the foundation courses, as well as in many of the Sobras Institute advanced courses, and in private coaching. It
embodies the method called Human Sculpting in - what it may seem to be - an encrypted way.
Why is this encrypting necessary?
For the same reason that for thousands of years scripts
describing the most powerful techniques of marshal arts, for instance, were encrypted. The essence of the material, however,
unfolded with ease through integration of specific practices for those who had sufficient prior training in internal energy
management. Why was this pre-conditioning necessary?
Because the very techniques, which were intended to significantly
improve mental acuity, physical fitness, health and longevity could also cause unnecessary pain and suffering if not fully
understood or improperly practiced.
As written in our manual: "Awareness is powerful: power comes with responsibility
of those who understand and who can - under any circumstances".
Journey of the Human Sculptor:
What Your Thoughts Cannot Tell You, when fully understood, and when coupled with the techniques learned through our signature
practice "Induction", can open a window onto the landscape well beyond personal awareness: they aim at empowering
one to make the move
from thinking about what needs to be done to doing what was unthinkable
However, our manual
is not a usual self-help book. You will not find lengthy pre-digested explanations spoon-feeding you word by word.
Readers are expected to engage their brain and body in an integrated
way to work through the materials and work on themselves as they explore previously uncharted mental and emotional territories
in order to activate and realize the practical benefits of the methods.
The comprehensive structured information has been transmitted
through public seminars, and private workshops or individual coaching for the fastest and most efficient learning. In
private coaching, the experiential learning methods are tailored to the particular needs and interests of the group or individual.
Nevertheless, those who enjoy and able
to learn from clinical examples, transcripts of coaching sessions, or from metaphors embedded in poetry, and through the analogies
hidden in practical exercises, may find valuable information to savor for a long time. Keep returning to it for a refreshing
boost and for new insights at increasing levels of understanding, skills and proficiency! Below are some tips on how
to use both book and CD for self-study at your own pace or simply how to take a tour in thinking and feeling "differently"
... for a change.
We suggest to use
the manual in combination with the instructional CD: Induction to Meditation,
which provides two introductory and seven practice sessions on learning to induce a modified meditative state and then maintaining
it through various circumstances of increasing external and internal distractions. Induction,
is the first and most basic technique of Human Sculpting, which then, through the help of
our complimentary techniques, can be integrated into daily living without the need of exchanging a professional carrier -
or busy lifestyle - for a retreat of quiet isolation.
supports self-management through several mechanisms, for instance, by improving emotional energy management: regular practice
results in an increase in mental and physical performance, focusing and emotional stability under any levels of stress.
Disclaimer: Although, the method and techniques
have all been used as successful adjunctives in clinical settings and in coaching, neither the book or the CD are porported
to heal or cure serious illness, nor do they substitute diagnosis or treatment by a licensed professional.
Note: Induction, Induction to Meditation and Human Sculpting are trademarks of
Sobras Institute. Please read our Terms of Use.